
College Woods


Kingsbury Shoot


12 Questions

1. Who are you? 2. What is your main character trait? 3. What inspires you the most? 4. What do you normally like to take photographs of? 5. What do you love about photography? 6. What do you want to be when you grow up? 7. What is the first thing you touch in the morning. 8. What is your favorite photograph or work of art? 9. Share a secret about your best friend. 10. What is a photo cliche? 11. What major goal do you have in your life? 12. What is the meaning of life?

Still Life

Reflection- This project was definitely more difficult for me than previous projects. I think I was thinking a little bit too abstractly, when really I could have taken anything and made a good project out of it. Instead, I found myself really waiting for inspiration to strike, which took a while. I wouldn't even say my final project had a large amount of inspiration, it is just where my brain went after playing around for a little while. I like the idea that I came up with, but I think I could have executed it better. The lighting and shadows are definitely off in some of my final photos that I initially didn't catch. It is a little frustrating for me because I know that there is so much I could have done with this project and I feel like I just fell a little short. With that being said, I still like my final photos and I think they're a good representation of myself. They are goofy, abstract and just a little outside the box.

Flippin around with Photoshop



Reflection- I was really excited about this project. I came up with the idea of taking portraits of my friends as I told them a joke to try to catch their genuine reaction to my joke. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't really think that idea was as tangible as I thought, so I changed it to insulting them. Every one of my final pictures is their initial reaction to me saying they have a big zit on their face. I like the way this turned out and it was a really fun project, but almost all of them were not offended. I wish I had the guts to do this to strangers to get more of a genuine reaction. I tried to use very similar lighting, and manipulated the background in Lightroom so that they looked as similar as possible. The idea was to isolate their emotion. This is also why I made them black and white as well. Overall, I am very proud of my product and I definitely think this is a step up from my last project.